14th May 2019

Celebrity Divorces

News of a celebrity divorce can become viral within seconds, but how much truth is there behind those eye-catching headlines? Let’s look at a few examples:

“The Quickie Divorce”

In 2018, it was reported that Jamie and Louise Redknapp’s 19-year marriage was ended in 25 seconds. This led many to question why their own divorce was taking months, if not years. Whilst it is true that 25 seconds is the time it took a Judge to read out the couple’s names and pronounce Decree Nisi, this simply confirms the couple’s right to divorce and they remain married until Decree Absolute, which is at least six weeks and a day later.

However, for many couples, it is the other issues associated with divorce such as finances and the arrangements for children which significantly lengthen the timeframe. Even celebrity couples can and do endure months of lengthy negotiations and, for some, acrimonious court proceedings, but this unsensational reality does not sell papers.

“Conscious Uncoupling”

Although the best example of this was some time ago when Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow separated, the concept has not lost its appeal, as for those navigating the hugely emotional and often damaging world of divorce, the idea of separating in a peaceful and loving way is understandably very appealing.

I would urge these couples to consider Collaborative Law, which, whilst not always the path to a “loving divorce”, is a constructive and solicitor supported approach to deal with divorce and the associated issues.

“Bifurcated Judgment”

One of the more buzzworthy statements to come out of the Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt divorce, this allows them to achieve legally recognised single status whilst they continue to negotiate the finances and arrangements for the children. This option is not available within the UK, but if, for whatever reason, a couple felt that the time was not yet right to divorce, it is possible to legally separate and settle arrangements, although not all financial orders are available outside a divorce.

So, the message to any readers is – don’t be taken in by sensationalist headlines, look behind the façade and take advice from a sensible divorce lawyer to get factual information on your options so that you can make an informed decision about what is right for you.

If you would like further advice on divorce we offer a free 30-minute meeting. Please contact our team secretary Khaila Reid on T: 01892 502 335 or E: kreid@bussmurton.co.uk

This article was first published in the May 2019 issue of the Wealden Times  www.wealdentimes.co.uk and Index Magazine https://www.indexmagazine.co.uk